Windows hosts: Double-click the VMware Workstation icon on your desktop or use the Start menu …

Having the Ability To Test Out New Ideas Or Install Potentially Buggy Software Without Screwing Up … Virtual machine: Why use it from a security and privacy Apr 27, 2017 6.3. Creating a New Virtual Machine in VirtualBox To create a new virtual machine, you need to start VirtualBox. On the host where you installed Oracle VDI and VirtualBox, select the Applications menu on the desktop, then the System Tools menu, and then Oracle VM VirtualBox.Alternatively, you can run the VirtualBox command in a terminal. The Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager is displayed, as shown in Figure 6.4.

Setting Up a New Virtual Machine - VMware

6.3. Creating a New Virtual Machine in VirtualBox To create a new virtual machine, you need to start VirtualBox. On the host where you installed Oracle VDI and VirtualBox, select the Applications menu on the desktop, then the System Tools menu, and then Oracle VM VirtualBox.Alternatively, you can run the VirtualBox command in a terminal. The Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager is displayed, as shown in Figure 6.4.

The Security Benefits Of Using A Virtual Machine

5 Reasons To Use A Virtual Machine -