v6.36rc12 and older builds - Default login is: admin with no password. v6.36rc13 and newer builds - You have to use your RouterOS user for logging into The Dude server. More details can be found here.

Router Passwords - port forward Use this complete list of router passwords and router usernames to learn how to login to your router or modem. Our user name and pass word list will help you log in to your router to make changes or port forward your router. How to Recover MikroTik User Password - YouTube Aug 10, 2018

How To Hack Mikrotik Router Admin Password – Technology

Now you can access router by entering username and password: MikroTik 4.15 MikroTik Login: MMM MMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMMM MMMM KKK TTTTTTTTTTT KKK MMM MMMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOOOOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MM MMM III KKKKK RRR RRR OOO OOO TTT III KKKKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRRRRR OOO OOO TTT III KKK KKK MMM MMM III KKK KKK RRR RRR OOOOOO TTT Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your MIKROTIK ROUTER OS router. You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router.

Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your MIKROTIK ROUTER OS router. You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router.

Manual:The Dude v6/First use - MikroTik Wiki v6.36rc12 and older builds - Default login is: admin with no password. v6.36rc13 and newer builds - You have to use your RouterOS user for logging into The Dude server. More details can be found here.