The superclass of Car is NSObject, as shown in Listing 3-1. This call says, “Please perform the initialization that is normally done by my parent class before I add my custom behavior.” Calling a superclass’s implementation before adding new behavior demonstrates an important practice in Objective-C programming.

ios,objective-c,inheritance,uiviewcontroller,delegates Call method after asynchronous request obj-c ios,objective-c,asynchronous,uiviewcontroller,nsobject In my app I init a new object, where there is method which calls NSURLConnection's sendAsynchronousRequest method. After the request, I would like to call a method in the caller UIViewController. Cocoa Samurai: Understanding the Objective-C Runtime Jan 01, 2010

In Objective-C, calling a method on an object might better be described as sending a message to that object. There's nothing in the language that prohibits a client from calling any given method on an object; the best you can do is not declare the method in the header file.

The distinction is quite subtle. Sending a message in Objective-C usually results in a method being called. The big difference is that an object chooses how it handles a message, while a method call is seen as a more static thing. Java actually does method lookup dynamically, but it tries to hide … How to override read-only property from Objective-C in Dec 16, 2017

Oct 08, 2006

An argument is a value that you pass into the method. To call an Objective-C method with no arguments, the syntax is [object methodName] To call a method with one argument, the syntax is [object methodName:arg1] To call a method with two arguments, the syntax is [object methodName:arg1 andName:arg2] And so on. Objective-C Development: Get Started Building Mac and iOS Feb 12, 2019 Getting Started with Objective-C - Code Envato Tuts+ Objective-C is known for its long and verbose method names. Take a look at the following example, which includes a method name with multiple arguments. You have to admit that the name of the method clearly states what the method does.