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Facebook Customer Help | FAQ | Tips Jul 19, 2020 How to Download Your Facebook Chat History for Safekeeping Sep 22, 2019 Sep 20, 2017 · As of 2016, Facebook added an additional security feature called “secret conversations,” which offers an encryption enhancement that Sekar says is similar to default features from messaging apps Yes. Secure browsing (HTTPS) is a security feature that automatically encrypts your connection to Facebook. This helps protect your account by making it harder for anyone to access your Facebook information without your permission. A secure connection is required to connect to Facebook and can't be turned off.

Jul 16, 2020 · Using Facebook - This section of the Help Center covers basic Facebook functionality, including how-tos on friending, messaging, and account creation. Managing Your Account - This section covers items such as your login and your profile settings.

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Twitter Cracks Down on QAnon. Your Move, Facebook | WIRED QAnon is a sprawling online community loosely organized around the baseless belief that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against an elite cabal of devil worshippers and pedophiles.